Storware Backup & Recovery
    • Reset admin pa*sword

      Other 2 3 621

      I've just installed fresh vprotect server using all-in-one script.
      Documentation link

      Have exported SBR_ADMIN_PA*S and SBR_DB_PA*S variables in advance.

      After the installation, i can't login neither with default pa*sword (vPr0tect),
      nor with SBR_ADMIN_PA*S value.

      Web UI error is: Provided credentials are incorrect (login or/and pa*sword)

      CLI error is:
      vprotect login -u admin
      Enter admin pa*s:
      ERROR: Provided credential is incorrect

      Is it possible to reset admin pa*sword from CLI,
      or some other ways?

    • Hi @KLM ,

      1. login to MySQL on Storware Backup & Recovery server host
        mysql -uroot -p vprotect

      2. find GUID of the admin account, by default, it is '1'
        MariaDB [vprotect]> select * from appuser where login = 'admin'\G

      3. update the password for this user, this should reset it to “vPr0tect”
        update appuser set PASSWORD = "$2a$07$l5ucy8fi8iMXuVvjBtFWh.24qBF1nBYpW0HbQg6uDY23attku2pDa" where GUID = "1";

    • @djaw Thank you for the solution!
      I'll try it!