Storware Backup & Recovery
    • oVirt Backup Incremental issue

      Virtual Environments 2 2 105


      please help on the incremental configuration for oVirt VM's. My backup destination location /vprotect_data/backups/ (this is a mount point of a nfs).

      I facing the below error while taking the incremental backups. the errors are

      1. Store task failed: SyntheticBackupException:
      2. Return code: 1 output:
      3. error: [cp: failed to clone

      Store task failed: SyntheticBackupException: Command execution failed: [cp, -v, --reflink=always, /vprotect_data/backups/VMName/vprotect_data/backups/data/VMName/VMName_Disk1_VMName.raw/1691461856173, /vprotect_data/backups/VMName/vprotect_data/backups/data/VMName/VMName_Disk1_VMName.raw/.raw/1691755934097]

      Return code: 1 output: ['/vprotect_data/backups/VMName/vprotect_data/backups/data/VMName/VMName_Disk1_VMName.raw/.raw/1691461856173' -> '/vprotect_data/backups/VMName/vprotect_data/backups/data/VMName/VMName_Disk1_VMName.raw/.raw/1691755934097' ]

      error: [cp: failed to clone '/vprotect_data/backups/VMName/vprotect_data/backups/data/VMName/VMName_Disk1_VMName.raw/.raw/1691755934097' from '/vprotect_data/backups/VMName/vprotect_data/backups/data/VMName/VMName_Disk1_VMName.raw/.raw/1691461856173': Operation not supported ].

      if we look at the path above, /vprotect_data/backups are repeated after the VMName .. 
      I hope you guys can give me a solution. 
      thank you.
    • Hi @bharathkondi,
      please list your priviliges of directories,
      for that use comand

      ll /

      and show us results.
      Probably your directory has bad priviliges.