hi, already on SVPSUPP-2077
RE: OPEN_DISK_HANDLER. Error codes: 13 after virtual environment updates
RE: OPEN_DISK_HANDLER. Error codes: 13 after virtual environment updates
6.2.0-68 have the same issue
restore of vprotect 6 backup to 7 appliance?
is it possible to restore vprotect 6 backup to 7 appliance? I had 6.x vprotext on centos but through the updates of OS system got messed up and best solution seems to be to use 7 appliance. is it possible? is there a guide?Thanks
OPEN_DISK_HANDLER. Error codes: 13 after virtual environment updates
after some changes in vmware environment (nodenames were renamed, some updates were done on esxi side) all backups ends with[2024-11-15 20:31:33.397] INFO [pool-31-thread-1] VmwareServiceClient.checkOperationStatus:257
[7c303705-1a49-43ba-829e-b2d8be83cf7f] Check operation status for: ConnectorResponse(connectionUuid=7c303705-1a49-43ba-829e-b2d8be83cf7f, requestUuid=e7c17042-2558-4df1-b154-9b61a9b905d0, operationStatus=FAILED, requestType=OPEN_DISK_HANDLER, bytesRead=0, errorCodes=[13])[2024-11-15 20:31:33.398] WARN [pool-31-thread-1] VmwareServiceClient.handleFail:308
[7c303705-1a49-43ba-829e-b2d8be83cf7f] VMware-service fail during the operation: OPEN_DISK_HANDLER[2024-11-15 20:31:33.398] WARN [pool-31-thread-1] VmwareServiceClient.handleException:236
[7c303705-1a49-43ba-829e-b2d8be83cf7f] VMware-service error while operation: OPEN_DISK_HANDLER. Error codes: 13based on logs, vprotect is able to communicate with vmware, but not able to download disks.
Currently on 6.2.0-49, Trust all certificated enabled.
Thanks a lot for help