Storware Backup & Recovery
    • Beginner - Synchronization task failed: BasicConnectionException

      Virtual Environments 2 3 495

      Hi All,

      I am completely new to this software. I have a small homelab with an ESXi free (under 8u2) and have downloaded the virtual appliance. I would like to use it to make regular image backups of 3 virtual guests.
      I then installed the virtual appliance on the esxi. Access worked straight away and I then used the configuration wizard to configure it. However, I then failed with the inventory scan with the following error message:

      Synchronization task failed: BasicConnectionException: Failed to connect!

      Unfortunately, I can't find any information about what to do here or what I did wrong. I followed the documentation when installing the system.
      Does anyone have any advice for me?

      many thanks.

    • Hi Ryder,
      Unfortunately, the free version of ESXi is not supported.

    • @a-spinek

      thanks for your fast answer. This explains all.