Storware Backup & Recovery
    • SHAREPOINT: Include only organization sites excludind personal sites

      Microsoft 365 2 2 989

      Hi Everyone,

      I would like to protect our Sharepoint, under the "Backup SLAs" I see the list of all Sharepoint sites, including the personal ones, so I cant check the "Select All" as I don't want to backup the personal sites.
      I could select manually the organization sites, but I'm looking forward and I know one day someone will create a new sites without noticing me and it will not be under backup till I'll notice it, and I want try to avoid this.

      Do you know if there's an option to, select and backup automatically, only the organization sites?

      Thanks and regards,

    • Hello,

      Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to backup only organization sites. You can use Auto-assignment to automatically back up new sites, but all sites will be backed up. We are considering changing this in future releases.