Storware Backup & Recovery
    • Hello,
      We need more information:
      Is inventory synchronization working properly?
      What configuration do you have? Are the server and node on the same machine or do you have a remote node?
      What version of vprotect-server and vprotect-node do you have installed? What version of ESXi are you using?
      Can you post a screenshot of the entire error?

    • @lsroga

      vprotect-server version = 5.1.0-42
      vprotect-node version = 5.1.0-32
      ESXi version = 7.0.3
      Inventory synchronization of Hypervisor manager (vcenter) is in a synchronized state.
      Server and nodes are on separate machines. VM Node is on ESXi and server is on another machine.


      [2023-06-30 11:16:39.564] ERROR [pool-5-thread-218] VmwareServiceClient.connect:104
      [fdc137e6-0668-47fa-b250-440a4549958c] Error while connecting to VMware service

      [2023-06-30 11:16:39.564] ERROR [pool-5-thread-218]
      [fdc137e6-0668-47fa-b250-440a4549958c] Backup task failed: Connection refused
      at Method) ~[?:?]
      at ~[?:?]
      at ~[?:?]
      at ~[?:?]
      at ~[?:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.socket.VmwareServiceClient.connect( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.socket.VmwareServiceClient.<init>( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.connector.ConnectorMessageSender.<init>( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.strategy.ExportStrategy.init( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.VmwareHypervisor.exportFull( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisormanager.vmware.VmwareHypervisorManager.exportFull( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisormanager.vmware.VmwareHypervisorManager.exportFull( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.task.export.strategy.ExportFull.export( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.task.ExportTask.exportBackup( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at [engine.jar:?]
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
      at [?:?]
      [2023-06-30 11:16:39.590] INFO [pool-5-thread-218] ITask.lambda$finishTask$2:64
      [fdc137e6-0668-47fa-b250-440a4549958c] Finishing fdc137e6-0668-47fa-b250-440a4549958c: [Export] from 2023-06-30T11:15:10+07:00 to 2023-06-30T16:15:10+07:00 Task with message "ConnectException: Connection refused"

      [2023-06-30 11:16:39.655] INFO [pool-5-thread-218] VmwareHypervisor.removeAllocatedResources:107
      [fdc137e6-0668-47fa-b250-440a4549958c] Begin detach hot-added disks..

    • Hello,

      I have the same error.

      appliance whith vprotect-server and vprotect-node
      esxi 7.0 U3

      [2023-07-27 16:00:57.997] INFO [pool-5-thread-22] VmwareHypervisor.connect:663
      [10e87cb3-ed9e-4d66-a389-1bf991e07d32] Connected to ESXi at:

      [2023-07-27 16:00:58.021] ERROR [pool-5-thread-22] VmwareServiceClient.connect:104
      [10e87cb3-ed9e-4d66-a389-1bf991e07d32] Error while connecting to VMware service

      [2023-07-27 16:00:58.021] ERROR [pool-5-thread-22]
      [10e87cb3-ed9e-4d66-a389-1bf991e07d32] Backup task failed: Connection refused
      at Method) ~[?:?]
      at ~[?:?]
      at ~[?:?]
      at ~[?:?]
      at ~[?:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.socket.VmwareServiceClient.connect( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.socket.VmwareServiceClient.<init>( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.connector.ConnectorMessageSender.<init>( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.strategy.ExportStrategy.init( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.VmwareHypervisor.exportFull( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.hypervisor.vmware.VmwareHypervisor.exportFull( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.task.export.strategy.ExportFull.export( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at eu.storware.vprotect.engine.task.ExportTask.exportBackup( ~[engine.jar:?]
      at [engine.jar:?]
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?]
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?]
      at [?:?]
      [2023-07-27 16:00:58.080] INFO [pool-5-thread-22] ITask.lambda$finishTask$2:71
      [10e87cb3-ed9e-4d66-a389-1bf991e07d32] Finishing 10e87cb3-ed9e-4d66-a389-1bf991e07d32: [Export] from 2023-07-27T16:00+02:00 to 2023-07-27T21:00+02:00 Task with message "ConnectException: Connection refused"

    • First, I suggest checking if the vprotect-vmware service is working properly. You can check it like this:

      systemctl status vprotect-vmware

      You can post the result of this command here.

      Also try just to restat it:

      systemctl restat vprotect-vmware

      If that doesn't help, try to create this path and then rest art service:

      mkdir /opt/vprotect/.vmware/requests
      systemctl restat vprotect-vmware
    • @lsroga
      Hi there,

      I found that there are no "requests" directory in /opt/vprotect/.vmware/ even after I created a new one and restarted the vprotect-vmware service. It still doesn't work as expected.

      Here is the result of vprotect-vmware status. Is there anything wrong with it?

      [root@dwbackupnode2 ~]# systemctl status vprotect-vmware
      ● vprotect-vmware.service - vProtect VMware-Service
      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vprotect-vmware.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
      Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-09-28 11:10:13 +07; 48s ago
      Process: 3997069 ExecStop=/usr/bin/vprotect_vmware stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Process: 3997210 ExecStart=/usr/bin/vprotect_vmware start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Main PID: 3997213 (java)
      Tasks: 21 (limit: 100358)
      Memory: 1.1G
      CGroup: /system.slice/vprotect-vmware.service
      └─3997213 java -XX:+UseG1GC -Dport=15701 -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/opt/vprotect/log4j2-node.xml -jar /opt/vprotect/plugins/vmware-service.jar

      Sep 28 11:10:10 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local systemd[1]: Starting vProtect VMware-Service...
      Sep 28 11:10:10 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local vprotect_vmware[3997210]: Starting vProtect VMware-Service ...
      Sep 28 11:10:13 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local vprotect_vmware[3997210]: vProtect VMware-Service is not running.
      Sep 28 11:10:13 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local vprotect_vmware[3997210]: Please check log files: /opt/vprotect/logs/vmware/vprotect_vmware.log*
      Sep 28 11:10:13 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local systemd[1]: Started vProtect VMware-Service.
      [root@dwbackupnode2 ~]# tail /opt/vprotect/logs/vmware/vprotect_vmware.log

      [2023-09-28 11:11:22] INFO [main] VMware.startSocketThread:46
      [] Trying to start vMware socket server.

      [2023-09-28 11:11:22] INFO [main] VMware.main:22
      [] Socket thread is interrupted. Trying to recreate new socket server.

      [2023-09-28 11:11:22] INFO [main] VMware.startSocketThread:46
      [] Trying to start vMware socket server.

      [root@dwbackupnode2 ~]#

      Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

    • Hello,

      If you are currently using version 5.1.0, I recommend updating to 5.2.0 first and then to 6.0.0.
      The latest packages are available on our public repository: Public repo

      Update instructions can be found in our documentation: Upgrade Docs

      There were a lot of VMware-related fixes between these versions. If the problem still persists after the update, please let me know.

    • Update to 5.2.0 still having the same issue.

      [root@dwbackupnode2 ~]# tail /opt/vprotect/logs/vmware/vprotect_vmware.log

      [2023-10-12 17:26:32] INFO [main] VMware.main:23
      [] Socket thread is interrupted. Trying to recreate new socket server.

      [2023-10-12 17:26:32] INFO [main] VMware.startSocketThread:47
      [] Trying to start VMware socket server.

      [2023-10-12 17:26:32] DEBUG [main] VMware.deleteFilesWithRequestData:79
      [] No request data files to delete

      [root@dwbackupnode2 ~]# systemctl status vprotect-vmware
      ● vprotect-vmware.service - vProtect VMware-Service
      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/vprotect-vmware.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
      Active: active (running) since Thu 2023-10-12 15:32:18 +07; 1h 54min ago
      Process: 2275816 ExecStop=/usr/bin/vprotect_vmware stop (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Process: 2276036 ExecStart=/usr/bin/vprotect_vmware start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Main PID: 2276038 (java)
      Tasks: 20 (limit: 100358)
      Memory: 1.3G
      CGroup: /system.slice/vprotect-vmware.service
      └─2276038 java -XX:+UseG1GC -Dport=15701 -Dlog4j.configurationFile=/opt/vprotect/log4j2-node.xml -jar /opt/vprotect/plugins/vmware-service.jar

      Oct 12 15:32:15 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local systemd[1]: Starting vProtect VMware-Service...
      Oct 12 15:32:15 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local vprotect_vmware[2276036]: Starting vProtect VMware-Service ...
      Oct 12 15:32:18 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local vprotect_vmware[2276036]: vProtect VMware-Service is not running.
      Oct 12 15:32:18 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local vprotect_vmware[2276036]: Please check log files: /opt/vprotect/logs/vmware/vprotect_vmware.log*
      Oct 12 15:32:18 dwbackupnode2.smebank.local systemd[1]: Started vProtect VMware-Service.
      [root@dwbackupnode2 ~]#

    • @tanawat Have you tried reboot the entire environment after the update? Is the /opt/vprotect/.vmware/requests folder accessible and has vprotect:vprotect permissions?

    • @lsroga
      I proceeded with your instructions. But it still doesn't work.
      **this node deploy by using ansible on oracle linux 8.6

    • @tanawat do you have the same error during backup?
      Can you send the log from Node (/opt/vprotect/logs/node_name/vprotect_daemon.log) and from vmware service (/opt/vprotect/logs/vmware/vprotect_vmware.log) ? We need log just after the backup.