Storware Backup & Recovery
    • Problem doing Inventory of a KVM machine

      Virtual Environments 2 4 549

      I am somewhat of a newbie when it comes to Linux and I get errors when I try to add a Hypervisor and doing the Inventory.

      When I execute the sync I get the following error

      Synchronization task failed: ExternalAPIException: Failed to execute remote command: [LC_ALL=C sudo virsh net-list --all --name], return code: 1, error: [sudo: a terminal is required to read the password; either use the -S option to read from standard ...

      I change the sudoers file to include username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/virsh (changed username to the one i am using)

      I am not sure how I need to proceed. Anybody have any advice for me?

    • Hi!

      Thank for your post.

      Could you tell me which user do you use to connect to your KVM host?


    • @krzysztof-sz I use a added user that is in the sudo group. I can run the commands without problems from a terminal window

      What i added in the sudoers xxxxxx

      xxxxxx ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/virsh

    • Hi!

      Did you try use that KB? There are few additional steps.

