I am sorry for late resposne.
Backup typically state in queued state because there are not fulfilled requirements. Could you show Node page from our UI
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RE: Cannot take a backup in Oracle KVM environment - Queued status stuck
RE: OPEN_DISK_HANDLER. Error codes: 13 after virtual environment updates
Could you show us more of that log?Which version of ESXi do you have?
K. Szawara -
RE: Problem Authrizing SharePoint Site
Hello @Tommaso
This error indicates insufficient privileges to execute this command. You probably need to use an account with higher privileges.
RE: OPEN_DISK_HANDLER Error on Backups for VMWare
Hello @jguilford81
Please go to the Virtual Environments -> Virtualization Providers -> click your vCenter -> Certificates tab. Then select "Trust all certificates" and save. Perform inventory synchronization again and check the backup.
RE: Retention policy is ignored - backups are deleted
Hello @branes
What do your backup retention settings look like? With what parameters is NFS shared? Does the storware node have full access to this NFS resource? You are sure that nothing changed in the DataDomain settings in the meantime?
RE: Error Reading Kickstart File XCP-NG Upon Installation
Hello @kirkscollision
Sorry for the late response time, I hope you are still interested in our solution.
I'm not sure what installation you're asking about. The error occurs while installing our software or XCP? Please provide more information and we will try to help.
RE: Run a backup every 12 hours starting from 9 PM
Hello @sangram
If you select an interval schedule, the backup will be performed only at selected hours in accordance with the frequency.
For example:
Window start: 6:00AM
Window end: 10:00AM
Frequency: 60min
The backup will be performed at 6,7,8,9,10.Perhaps the Time type with specific hours when the backup must be performed will be better in your case? You can set specific times when the backup should be performed.
RE: Ceph keyring malformed when uploaded via Storware Backup & Recovery UI
@tib_aj Hi, We have our parser, file that you upload in web UI can even be foo.txt, but inside you need to have proper formatting including an EOL mark at the end of the config and keyring (just use enter on the end of the file)
RE: Incremental option missing in schedule
Hello @sangram
Yes, this is expected behavior, we can create only full backups of Apps.You can save space on Backup Destination using some of deduplication types (like synthetic BD)