Storware Backup & Recovery
  • Posts made by carvalhoiv

    • postgres backup failed

      Hello again.

      Any idea of what's the issue here?

      In the meanwhile it seems the problem is not related to Postgres backups only but all those that have Data Export configured:


    • postgres backup failed

      Hi! Hope you can help me here.

      Have some Postgres backups that from one day to another started failing
      All I can see in the log is:

      [f3b671d4-8195-464a-9d3a-e7fc1e2cdd85] Backup task failed: 
      eu.storware.vprotect.engine.exception.ExternalAPIException: File could not be saved: /vprotect_data/backups/cmdbuild-dev.apps.ocp4.domain.com_cmdbuild_30021.gz (Resource temporarily unavailable). /vprotect_data/backups/cmdbuild-dev.apps.ocp4.domain.com_cmdbuild_30021.gz (Resource temporarily unavailable)

      I can see on the file system that the file is created and increases it's size while processing the job but at the end it is not deleted as usual:

      This job was working perfectly until 3 days ago, nothing was changed.

      Any idea what it might be?

      Full log here:

    • Some backups failing

      @krzysztof-sz Yes, I tried that, didn't work.
      Could do 1 backup, the next one failed.
      I think I'll just reinstall it all.

       Virtual Environments
    • Some backups failing

      Hello again.

      Is there anything I could do this solve this issue?


       Virtual Environments
    • Some backups failing

      Hello again.

      After doing what @krzysztof-sz suggested all backups started failing with the same error.

      Today I tried to remove the Hypervisor Manager and add it again but keep getting the same error.

      Here is the backup log with debug mode enable:

      Any help would be great as I can no longer protect these VM's.

       Virtual Environments
    • Some backups failing

      Enabled DEBUG mode and found this on appserver log:

      [2024-03-07 17:41:12.737] INFO [pool-5-thread-1] CertificateCache.getOrCreateTrustedCertificateWithDecodedChain:227 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Getting certificate chain for TrustedCertificateChainId(sourceId=f6fa7cb3-6c6d-4903-be7e-7bc41a5dcb6a, sourceType=HYPERVISOR_MANAGER, chainType=X509) and task: 039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761: [Export] from 2024-03-07T17:39Z to 2024-03-08T03:39Z
      [2024-03-07 17:41:12.739] DEBUG [pool-5-thread-1] CertificateCache.getLocalCertificateChainIfAvailableAndUpToDate:265 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Getting locally stored certificate for TrustedCertificateChainId(sourceId=f6fa7cb3-6c6d-4903-be7e-7bc41a5dcb6a, sourceType=HYPERVISOR_MANAGER, chainType=X509)
      [2024-03-07 17:41:12.739] DEBUG [pool-5-thread-1] CertificateCache.getLocalCertificateChainIfAvailableAndUpToDate:268 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Locally stored certificate chain not available for TrustedCertificateChainId(sourceId=f6fa7cb3-6c6d-4903-be7e-7bc41a5dcb6a, sourceType=HYPERVISOR_MANAGER, chainType=X509)
      [2024-03-07 17:41:12.740] DEBUG [pool-5-thread-1] CertificateCache.getCertificateChainFromServer:298 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Getting certificate chain from SBR server: TrustedCertificateChainId(sourceId=f6fa7cb3-6c6d-4903-be7e-7bc41a5dcb6a, sourceType=HYPERVISOR_MANAGER, chainType=X509)
      [2024-03-07 17:41:12.786] DEBUG [pool-5-thread-1] CertificateCache.decodeCertificates:309 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Attempting to decode certificate chain for HYPERVISOR_MANAGER f6fa7cb3-6c6d-4903-be7e-7bc41a5dcb6a
      [2024-03-07 17:41:12.789] DEBUG [pool-5-thread-1] CertificateCache.refreshInMemoryKeyStore:103 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Refreshed in-memory key store - 2 aliases stored
      **[2024-03-07 17:41:12.894] DEBUG [pool-5-thread-1] CompositeTrustManager.lambda$anyTrustManagerTrustsServerCertificateChain$1:91 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Trust manager doesn't trust server certificate chain
      [2024-03-07 17:41:12.895] DEBUG [pool-5-thread-1] CompositeTrustManager.lambda$anyTrustManagerTrustsServerCertificateChain$1:91 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Trust manager doesn't trust server certificate chain**
      [2024-03-07 17:41:12.897] ERROR [pool-5-thread-1] ChunkApiDownloader.lambda$getFileSizeRetryPolicy$2:157 
      [039badd6-c94d-44ad-b8e2-8ac8b5f58761] Attempt failed

      Maybe it gives some clue on what's happening.

       Virtual Environments
    • Some backups failing

      Ok, rebooted a host but keep getting the same errors.

      Tried to backup a VM from another ovirt cluster and that ran correctly.

      What else could I look into?

       Virtual Environments
    • Some backups failing


      Just tested and connection to hosted_engine at port 54323 is OK and from to the hosts on port 54322 is also OK.

      Will try now to restart one host, after the restart move a VM to it and try the backup again.

       Virtual Environments
    • Some backups failing


      Hello, no worries.

      Cleared all certs, ran Sync (OK) and tried a new backup but keep getting the same errors:

      What idea what else I can do to get this working?

       Virtual Environments
    • Some backups failing

      I have vprotect to backup VM's on a Ovirt infrastructure.

      Everything is working great except for some backups that sometimes fail with this message:
      ExternalAPIException: No file size in transfer url response.

      After retrying the backup a few times it works.

      Could you help to see what's happening?

      Logs for a failed backup of VM0001 -
      Logs for the successful backup of the same VM a few minutes later -

       Virtual Environments